With a magnification range of 2.7x – 22x, the HIKMICRO Stellar SH35 is designed to be used in scenarios such as fox and rabbit shooting. The 2.7x base magnification allows the hunter to not have to compromise image quality to have a good field of view, and still achieves shots on smaller game at a distance.
The HIKMICRO Stellar SH50 has been picked as one of the top scopes for mid-range game shooting. The unit has a great starting magnification of almost 3.9x and combined with the 12 micron sensor the image of the SH50 stays crystal clear even at a high magnification. A great way to have the “never need to touch my scope” set up is by turning on the Picture-in-Picture mode that allows you to have both a 3.9x and 8x magnification on one screen.
Coming in with a 640x512px resolution, the SQ35 is a jack of all trades. The 640 sensor allows the hunter to have a wide field of view but also have the ability to use magnification without pixelating the target. Like all the HIKMICRO Stellars, the SQ35 has a sleek, traditional day scope housing and can be used on anything from vermin to large game in open and bush areas.
Distance, clarity and a traditional housing is a rare combination when we talk about a 640 sensor, 50mm lens thermal, but the SQ50 has all this and more. This scope has been used for anything from rats in sheds, pigs in crops and deer in valleys. Like the SQ35, the HIKMICRO Stellar SQ50 has a 640px sensor, but is complimented with the popular 50mm lens allowing a higher base magnification while keeping a very decent field of view.